On Your Feet All Day? Follow These On-the-Job Tips!


When your job demands hours of standing or walking, your feet become the unsung heroes of your daily routine. At Align Foot & Ankle, guided by the expertise of Dr. Ho-Ellsworth, we understand the toll persistent foot pain can take. If you find yourself in discomfort, consider our advanced laser treatments and schedule a consultation with Dr. Ho-Ellsworth for personalized care. Now, let’s dive into tailored tips designed to make working on your feet a breeze.

How to Choose the Right Shoes:

At Align Foot & Ankle, we believe that investing in the right shoes is investing in your well-being. Dr. Ho-Ellsworth recommends footwear that goes beyond fashion, ensuring a wider sole than the heel for added stability. Look for shoes with superior cushioning to absorb the impact of each step. Avoid memory foam-like soles, and opt for supportive soles that do not bend or twist easily. Als Dr. Ho-Ellsworth emphasizes the importance of getting measured while standing, guaranteeing a perfect fit. Remember, a thumbnail distance between your longest toe and the shoe end allows room for natural movement, preventing potential foot problems. Your feet deserve the best, and so do you.

Orthotic Inserts for Extra Support:

Discuss the benefits of using orthotic inserts to provide additional support and cushioning. At Align Foot & Ankle we offer custom orthotics that can help distribute pressure evenly and address specific foot issues that may arise from prolonged standing. 

Compression Socks for Improved Circulation:

Explain how compression socks can enhance blood circulation and reduce swelling, particularly beneficial for those who stand for extended periods. Provide recommendations for choosing the right compression level and style for different professions.

Importance of Posture:

Maintaining good posture is a cornerstone of foot health. Dr. Ho-Ellsworth encourages you to avoid locking your knees, as this can lead to knee and low back pain. Soften your knees instead, ensuring equal weight distribution. Say goodbye to standing with legs close together—widen your stance for enhanced support. As you sit or stand, create a larger base of support to utilize both sides of your body equally. Strengthen your core and buttocks muscles, alleviating stress on your feet and knees. Incorporate routine calf and hamstring stretches to further support your lower limbs.

Move with Purpose: 

Movement is the key. Dr. Ho-Ellsworth recommends simple maneuvers to integrate into your work routine. Shift your weight from side to side, equalizing the load on your feet and activating your core. Incorporate tiny knee bends throughout the day to prevent excessive locking and strain. For a quick revitalization, rock up on your toes and down on your heels, engaging the muscles in the front and back of your calves. Your feet carry the weight of your busy day, and these tips are designed to ensure they do it with ease. And when you get home from work, stretch out your calves and hamstrings to alleviate strain on your feet. 

After Work Foot Care:

Implement simple at-home remedies for foot care, such as warm foot soaks, massages, and gentle exercises. Stretch your calves and hamstrings to reduce strain on your knees and feet. At Align Foot & Ankle, we also offer 3000 mg CBD lotion that is perfect for after-work application to reduce foot pain and inflammation, preparing your feet for you next day of work.  


Your feet are the foundation of your daily endeavors, and at Align Foot & Ankle, we are here to support you every step of the way. If persistent foot or ankle pain lingers, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ho-Ellsworth. Our modern and regenerative options, including laser treatments, electric shockwave therapy, and regenerative injections, are here to ensure your feet are in their best shape for your daily grind. 

Book an appointment with Dr. Ho-Ellsworth today! Don’t forget to check out our socials for valuable insights and updates: