Understanding and Managing Ingrown Toenails: Insights from Align Foot & Ankle Clinic

Understanding and Managing Ingrown Toenails: Insights from Align Foot & Ankle Clinic

Don’t let ingrown toenails ruin your Friday! If you’re experiencing discomfort, don’t suffer through the pain or attempt DIY solutions when we can offer a permanent resolution to a chronic issue. At Align Foot & Ankle Clinic, we offer a multitude of effective solutions to alleviate your discomfort for all ages and all types ranging from painless nail restoration to surgical correction.

Refresh Your Foot Health Goals on National Refresh Your Goals Day

Refresh Your Foot Health Goals on National Refresh Your Goals Day

Today is National Refresh Your Goals Day! This day encourages us to refocus and rejuvenate our goals, whether personal or professional. As we take this opportunity to reassess our aspirations, let’s not forget about the foundation of our mobility and well-being – our feet. Inspired by this day, let’s explore different ways to refresh our foot health goals.

Understanding Hidden Easter Eggs in Your Foot

Understanding Hidden Easter Eggs in Your Foot

As Good Friday arrives and Easter Sunday approaches for those celebrating, many families eagerly anticipate the joy of easter egg hunts and other traditional festivities. Yet, amidst the excitement, some may find themselves perplexed, experiencing an unexpected sensation akin to finding an Easter egg—though not of the chocolate variety—lodged within their foot. While this discovery may not bring the same delight as uncovering a candy-filled egg, it’s crucial to comprehend the nature of localized swelling or masses that can manifest in the foot during this season.

Training for the 47th Annual Statesman Capitol 10K: Avoiding Shin Splints Along the Way

Training for the 47th Annual Statesman Capitol 10K: Avoiding Shin Splints Along the Way

As the 47th Annual Statesman Cap10K approaches, the team at Align Foot & Ankle is gearing up for the challenge. However, amidst the excitement of training for Texas’ largest 10K, it’s crucial to stay mindful of potential foot and leg injuries, particularly shin splints. In this blog post, we’ll explore what shin splints are, how to prevent them, and the proactive measures our team is taking to ensure a pain-free race day.

On Your Feet All Day? Follow These On-the-Job Tips!

On Your Feet All Day? Follow These On-the-Job Tips!

When your job demands hours of standing or walking, your feet become the unsung heroes of your daily routine. At Align Foot & Ankle, guided by the expertise of Dr. Ho-Ellsworth, we understand the toll persistent foot pain can take. If you find yourself in discomfort, consider our advanced laser treatments and schedule a consultation with Dr. Ho-Ellsworth for personalized care. Now, let’s dive into tailored tips designed to make working on your feet a breeze.

How Nicotine Jeopardizes Foot Health

How Nicotine Jeopardizes Foot Health

The effects of nicotine on circulation can lead to serious podiatric issues, including slow wound healing and increased risks of conditions like PAD, Raynaud’s Disease, and Buerger’s Disease. If you are a current or former smoker, taking steps to quit and seeking regular podiatric care can significantly improve the health of your feet and lower limbs.

Why Arthritis Acts Up in the Cold

Why Arthritis Acts Up in the Cold

If you’re one of the many individuals dealing with arthritis, you might have noticed that the colder months bring about aches and pains in your joints. While cold weather doesn’t directly cause arthritis, it can certainly worsen its symptoms. Let’s explore why arthritis tends to be more challenging during winter and discover some practical tips to alleviate the discomfort.

Lingering Foot Pain? It May Be a Stress Fracture

Lingering Foot Pain? It May Be a Stress Fracture

Your feet bear the weight of your entire body with each step. Amidst this constant pressure, the metatarsals – the bones connecting your ankle to your toes – play a vital role in maintaining proper foot function. In this blog post, we will explore the world of stress fractures in the metatarsals, shedding light on causes, symptoms, and essential steps for recovery.