Protect Your Feet on the Slopes: Common Winter Sports Injuries

To kick off December and embrace the winter vibes, let’s look at common foot and ankle injuries linked with winter sports like skiing and snowboarding. As you prepare to conquer the slopes this season, we’ve got some valuable tips to keep you and your feet safe on the slopes. If the winter adventures lead to any issues or injuries, rest assured that back in Texas, Dr. Ho-Ellsworth and the dedicated Align team are ready to help you recover swiftly, so you can get back on your feet and gear up for your next thrilling trip.

Common Foot & Ankle Injuries:

Engaging in winter sports involves navigating various challenges, including falling, collisions, irregular terrain, and fatigue. Some key risk factors include inadequate strength training, improper form, tackling terrain beyond one’s skill level, and neglecting personal fatigue levels. It’s crucial to be mindful of equipment conditions, hydration, and staying attentive to others on the slopes. Keep reading to learn about the foot and ankle concerns that tend to surface in the winter season.

  1. Skiers Toe or Toe Bang: Skiers Toe or toe bang is a common issue resulting from improperly fitted boots. When the foot slides forward, the toenail can strike the boot’s top, leading to pain, subungual hematoma, and a discolored toenail. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ho-Ellsowrthif persistent pain occurs, avoiding at-home drainage to prevent infection.
  2. Snowboarder’s Fracture: This injury, affecting both snowboarders and downhill skiers, occurs when the lateral process of the talus bone fractures due to forceful backward and outward bending of the foot. Immediate treatment is crucial and may involve icing and anti-inflammatory medications. In severe cases, immobilization or surgery may be necessary. At Align Foot & Ankle, we prioritize your well-being, and our comprehensive approach includes obtaining X-rays to accurately assess the extent of the fracture. If you find yourself facing this injury, rest assured that our team is here to guide you through a tailored recovery plan.
  3. Achilles Tendon Rupture: Common among skiers, Achilles tendon rupture results from overstretching due to overuse, weakness, or calf tightness. Recognize symptoms such as sharp pain, popping sensation, and difficulty walking. Follow the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) and make an appointment with Dr. Ho-Ellsworth to get it checked out. In our clinic, we provide cutting-edge class IV laser therapy designed to accelerate the healing process and alleviate tendon inflammation. Additionally, we offer RestoraJel injections as a regenerative option, harnessing the body’s natural healing capabilities to foster recovery and diminish inflammation. 
  4. Ankle and Foot Sprains and Fractures: Twisting, turning, and jumping in winter sports can lead to foot and ankle sprains and fractures. Improperly fitting boots and bindings contribute to these injuries. In the event of an injury, it’s crucial to promptly visit our clinic upon your return. Meanwhile, practice the RICE method: apply ice, elevate the affected area, and use compression with a suitable wrap. Refrain from putting weight on your foot until you return home. Upon your clinic visit, we can conduct an X-ray and explore viable options to facilitate the healing of your foot or ankle. We may also provide a boot to support and expedite your recovery.
  5. Arch Pain: Skiers with flat feet or a flexible foot type might encounter arch pain due to heightened stress on intrinsic foot muscles. Treatment avenues encompass calf strengthening exercises, stretching exercises of the calves and hamstrings, custom orthotics, and ensuring well-fitted boots. If you’re experiencing foot pain, it’s wise to have your feet assessed before your trip. We can assist in setting you up with custom orthotics tailored for your boots, seamlessly integrating them into your winter sports gear. These personalized orthotics not only realign your feet but also enhance your form, mitigating pain from extended days on the slopes. Explore our clinic, schedule an appointment, and benefit from our gait plate scanning for orthotics, while Dr. Ho-Ellsworth evaluates your feet and alignment.
  6. Fungal Toenails: Snow sport athletes often encounter fungal toenails when wearing poorly fitting boots, as the snug environment created by such footwear becomes an ideal breeding ground for fungal growth. At Align Foot & Ankle, we provide solutions, including fungal topical treatments and advanced fungal nail laser therapies utilizing the Remy Class IV Laser.

Prevention Tips:

Ensure a safe and enjoyable winter sports experience with these preventive measures:

  • Purchase properly fitting boots from trusted specialty shops.
  • Buckle ski boots correctly to prevent foot and ankle problems.
  • Choose moisture-wicking socks for dry, warm feet.
  • Regularly check and maintain ski bindings.
  • Address chronic foot or ankle conditions with braces or custom orthotics.
  • Learn and maintain proper form in skiing or snowboarding.
  • Incorporate muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility training into your routine.
  • Follow safety guidelines on slopes, including staying within your skill level and paying attention to warnings.
  • Wear appropriate safety equipment and clothing, including helmets, goggles, and reflective gear.

At Align Foot & Ankle Clinic, we’re here to support your winter sports adventures. Dr. Ho-Ellsworth and our team stand ready to address any foot or ankle concerns. Whether you’re in the mountains or enjoying winter in Texas, prioritize proper warm-up, gear, and stretching. If injuries occur, make an appointment promptly. Contact our office at (512) 882-4911 or schedule an appointment on our website. Don’t forget to check out our socials for valuable insights and updates: