Refresh Your Foot Health Goals on National Refresh Your Goals Day

Today is National Refresh Your Goals Day! This day encourages us to refocus and rejuvenate our goals, whether personal or professional. As we take this opportunity to reassess our aspirations, let’s not forget about the foundation of our mobility and well-being – our feet. Inspired by this day, let’s explore different ways to refresh our foot health goals.

  • Schedule a Consultation: Don’t let foot or ankle pain hold you back! Make it a goal to schedule a consultation with Dr. Ho-Ellsworth to explore treatment options like MLS laser therapy for pain and inflammation, or regenerative injections for issues like plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, arthritis, and more. 
  • Diabetic Foot Care: Prioritize foot health as part of your diabetes management plan. Dr. Ho-Ellsworth offers comprehensive diabetic foot care including diabetic wound care, diabetic custom orthotics and shoes and issues related to diabetes including circulation evaluations and neuropathy symptoms. We offer circulation studies (ABI/TBI testing) along with Sudomotor studies to assess neuropathy directly in our office at Align Foot & Ankle Clinic.
  • Treat Ingrown Toenails: Dealing with chronic or infected ingrown toenails? Explore innovative applications like OnyFix, a toenail correction system that straightens your toenail to its natural state over time, providing lasting relief and restoring comfort to your daily life.
  • Restore Nail Appearance: Combat fungal nails and restore nail appearance with advanced Remy Class IV laser treatments and topical solutions offered by Align Foot & Ankle Clinic. Additionally, consider KeryFlex, a painless in-office application that will restore the appearance of your toenail, all while allowing us to treat underlying fungal infections. 
  • Address Structural Issues: Say goodbye to bunion pain and hammertoes with minimally invasive surgery available at Align Foot & Ankle Clinic. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Ho-Ellsworth to see if minimally invasive surgery is right for you. The benefits of minimally invasive surgery include smaller incisions, reduced swelling, faster recovery time, no screws or pins, no general anesthesia, no hospital fees and no fasting required. 
  • Aligning your Feet and Body: At Align Foot & Ankle, we perform gait and 3-D scans to create the best-fitting custom orthotics for you. Custom orthotics offer personalized support and comfort, tailored to individual foot shapes and biomechanics, promoting proper alignment, reducing pain, and enhancing overall mobility and stability. Make it a goal to incorporate more daily stretches! Daily stretching is essential for maintaining flexibility and preventing injuries. Incorporate calf and hamstring stretches into your routine to improve overall foot function and reduce the risk of strains. Pair your stretching routine with targeted foot exercises to optimize results. All of this is reviewed with you at your visit, so call and schedule today! Make an appointment through our website at or call us at 512-882-4911.

As we celebrate National Refresh Your Goals Day, let’s not overlook the importance of refreshing our foot health goals. By prioritizing foot health and taking proactive steps towards achieving our goals, we can ensure better mobility, comfort, and overall well-being for the future. Happy Refresh Your Goals Day!